Monday, December 1, 2008

Getting very sick of this

Just put picture messaging on the phone already for fucks sake.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


First ave. Sts9

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Morning Medley

Music For Today

3.Poorline Condition-Ryslyn
4.Cepia-Natura Morta

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Listening for the week

I was planning to write this on Monday but fuckit.

Here are some things to listen to this week, (or whats left of it).

These are not neccesarily new releases.


Dosh-Wolves and Wishes

All that Remains- Fall of Ideals

eDIT- Certified Air Raid Matierial

12 Rods- Lost Time

Widespread Panic- Till the Medicine Takes

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Rage Without Power

So before i got off work last night I found out that Rage Against the Machine was playing a free show at the state capitiol lawn. I could not go because I wouldn't have gotten there in time. However it wouldn't have mattered because apparently the St. Paul Police shut off the power to the protest festival and Rage never even got a chance to play. They did however sing a few songs through a megaphone which is awesome.

Tonight will surely be rockin at the target center.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Bon Iver

So I was convinced that Bon Iver's for emma for ever ago was so "wintery" that I havent really listened to it this summer much, outside of at Rock the Garden. It seemed to me that it almost clashes with the warm sunny weather. Maybe its due to the fact that he wrote the record in the dead of winter. Or maybe its because I waited in line in almost below zero temps at the Turf Club to see him last winter. I dont konw. But it seems that this seasonality doesn't affect me as much in the morning. As I am listening now and it still has the profound effect of giving me goosebumps upon hearing the first few notes.

Maybe its because its kinda chilly this morning.

Or that its approaching Fall.

Who Knows.

Friday, August 29, 2008


Greg Davis and the Morning

This morning has been the earliest in quite some time. 4:30 is not an ideal time to begin daily adventures. It did however give me a chance to reaquaint myself with my old saturday morning work rituals. A pot of coffee, 3 Greg Davis records, and the sunrise. For some reason Somnia, Arbor, and Curling Pond Woods (in that order) is a perfect way to ease into the day.